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h.won // character design, illustration
based in Canada

[email protected]


All work posted online has been created by myself.
No work may be used for commercial purposes unless discussed otherwise, and no work may be used for personal purposes excepting the following cases:

A) online profile pictures/icons, backgrounds or headers on social media sites such as twitter or tumblr, as long as there is visible credit somewhere accessible by anyone who may wish to find the original source. as long as you follow that rule, you don’t have to necessarily ask me!B) printing for personal use such as reference material or decorationC) as part of visual reference material for an original/secondary creation; please note that using any of my designs without substantial change for yourself/commissioned work is expressly forbidden, unless the design is a fan design for an existing IP and is used with permission.D) any other case for which permission is asked for and granted.

My designs are not free for use.
They are not your characters, and they are not for use by anyone other than myself.
If you want to use something I designed as a starting point/reference material, that is fine. Including it as a general indication of desired aesthetic when it comes to commissioned work is fine.
Do not use my designs as is for your own characters or for your own work.
No work may be manufactured into physical goods without my consent.Please feel free to contact with any questions or clarifications!

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open for March!